Monday, September 16, 2024

How to Create a Striking Logo for Your Company?

A logo is not just an image but a foundation for the company’s branding. As we know, in modern businesses and marketing, a company’s logo is essential for linking with audiences showing the identity of who you are, what you do, and how your products and services benefit clients. Moreover, the logo has symbolic connections with an individual’s emotions and memories.

With a professional logo, you can deliver well your products and services. In addition, people get attracted to eye-catching designs and give off positive vibes to brands that have creative logos. So, a logo should have some uniqueness as it’s the branding element that distinguishes you from your competitors.

A stand-out logo helps you build professionalism and trust with different groups of people. A logo should convey the brand’s message. So, we’ll share some essential steps in this blog post to help you create an effective custom logo design for your startup.


Steps to Create a Successful Logo

So, here we will tell you how to design a logo.


  • Understand why you need to create

You have to think first about the reason behind creating a logo. No matter what your thoughts are, the ultimate goal will be attracting the target audience through logo design in the first interaction. It will also have a significant impact on them. A professional custom logo design has the strength to communicate what you stand for and has the power to inform customers about the brand.


  • Define brand identity

You need a clear idea of what makes you unique and what is special about your brand. Without determining your brand’s core personality, you can’t create a custom logo design that portrays the perfect image of your company. A brand’s identity includes the brand’s messages, values, and products and services you are selling.


  • Brainstorm new ideas

You have to search for logo inspiration. Let creativity come out of your mind. Think of the words that describe your brand. You can decide this by involving people who can be your friends or business partners from all departments. Collect verbal ideas and pin down the looks you’re trying to achieve. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box and be a bit different.



  • Select your design style

Now, that you have decided and feel inspired by the ideas, it’s time to transform them into a custom logo design. There are different elements, ranging from shapes, colors, and graphics to typography. First of all, pick the right design aesthetic that is best for your brand. Some are as follows:


  • Classic
  • Retro or vintage
  • Modern and minimalist
  • Fun and quirky
  • Handmade and handcrafted


  • Choose colors

Colors have several different meanings. The psychology behind colors is complex, but it has certain ideas and emotions connected to them. So, be sure to check colors and their meanings.


  • Red

    Red is a sign of enthusiasm, passion, and anger. It will be a great choice if your brand is loud and youthful.

  • Orange

    Orange is a playful, vibrant, and energetic color. It is much less used than red.

  • Yellow

    Yellow is the right choice if you want to look reachable and friendly. It gives off affordable and cheerful energy.

  • Green

    Green is extremely flexible is best for any brand. It’s perfect for those who want to connect with nature.

  • Blue

    Blue is a very classic choice. It is soothing, calm, and symbolizes maturity.

  • Purple

    Purple can give you a luxurious look and can be elective or mysterious.

  • Pink

    If you want to give your logo a cool and feminine look, then pastel rose, millennial pink or neon magenta shades will work better.

  • Brown

    Brown can work perfectly for masculine and rugged vintages logos. It will give your brand a handmade and aged look.

  • Black

    Black will be an excellent choice for a sleek and modern look. To keep the logo simple, a minimalist black and white is the way to go.

  • White

    As a neutral color, white can give you a minimalist, clean and modern look. In combination with other colors, it adds a youthful touch.

  • Gray

    Gray is a mature, classic, and serious color. It is also more accessible.


Color combination

You can’t stick with a monochrome logo using just one color, but you can mix several logo colors to complete a brand color. The following colors will work together very well.


  • Complementary colors

    Complementary colors are on the opposite sides of the color wheel. They create a dynamic look when combined.

  • Analogous colors

    Analogous colors are next to each other on the wheel. They will give your logo color a harmonious look.

  • Triadic colors

    Triadic colors are the three colors equally spaced from one another. You can choose them for bold effects.

Find a suitable type of logo

Overall, there are seven types of logos that you can choose for creating your custom logo design. Select the best one that suits your company name or overall aesthetic. Combining them will create something unique.


Lettermarks or monogram logos

Lettermark logos can be elegant to your company logo if your name is hard to remember. Many businesses go by their initials. These monograms are great for minimalist logos but are not good enough to tell your brand’s story.



Wordmarks are a decent way to use the company name as a logo. Go for the wordmark logo to give them personality and identification value. This will be a perfect way if you have a great name for your brand.


Pictorial marks

When we hear the word “logo,” we think of pictorial marks or logo symbols. They are easily remembered and present your brand’s image. You can pick a symbol both simple or complex to create a unique connection to your brand.


Abstract logo marks

Abstract logo marks don’t form an immediate image but create something new for the brand. An abstract logo mark can denser your business into a symbol that will be unique. The logo of Printy has many personalities and shows a modern look.



Mascot logos also give your brand a personality. They show your business in a friendly and accessible way because of their colorful and cartoonish characters.


Combination marks

A combination mark combines a symbol with a wordmark to make a recognizable logo. The brand name can be integrated into a graphic element or is either placed beside a symbol. Both elements will be associated with your brand, which allows you to use them alone or together.



Like combination marks, emblem logos are also a combination of word and image elements. They consist of text in a symbol such as seals, crests, or badges. The Rockwell Lighthouse emblem appears in an old-school or classic way.


Choose the right typography

Pick a font that completes and complements your custom logo design. Given below are the four main types of fonts that will give your logo a unique look.



Serif fonts

Serif fonts will give your logo a classic and high-end look. They are versatile and look great with vintage, elegant, or classic designs.


Sans serif fonts

Sans serif fonts will be perfect for a clean and modern look. This is best for modern banks like the minimal and cool Delta Salt logo above.


Script fonts

Script fonts resemble handwriting or calligraphic lettering styles. This will make your logo look individualistic, like The Moon Rabbit logo.


Display fonts

Display fonts are called decorative fonts that are stylized and eye-catching. They have more eccentric and variable designs.

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