Sunday, September 22, 2024

Supporting COVID 19 Emergency relief services this pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst crises that has rocked the world in the 21st century. Its impact on human life is still being felt, and though the surge in cases during the second wave was bad, it is anticipated that the situation is likely to worsen as the third wave hits the country. The first wave spared a large part of the population, but the second wave impacted vulnerable communities very badly. The fear of getting infected and the anxiety that someone from our family will succumb to the virus and lose their lives is prevalent among all of us. Hospital staff, cleaning staff, and many others on the front line have access to all the necessary PPE like visors and gowns (similar to those found here which means that in all areas we are being as safe and hygienic as we can – but that’s also why it is so important that we as the public, wear protective equipment like face masks and gloves when we are out and about. At such a time, we must show solidarity with all the people in the fight against COVID-19. This is the time to support those less fortunate than us and donate generously to COVID 19 Emergency relief services.

While the government is doing its best to support the citizens, it cannot reach out to everyone as the disease has peaked and infiltrated the country’s remotest corners. Many vulnerable groups of children, senior citizens and individuals who lost their jobs during the lockdown have come in the grip of the disease. Donations made towards the COVID 19 Emergency relief services online help alleviate the troubles of these vulnerable groups in great measure financially as it pays for medicines, nutritious diet, and hospital expenses where they cannot afford it.

Who needs aid?

NGOs, especially local NGOs, can reach the individuals who require aid directly and offer them support. They have the potential to verify and identify the genuine cause and whet the applications to ensure that real persons in need receive the funds and use the amount to pay for their medical expenses. In the current scenario, real aid is needed largely in India’s rural areas. However, much urban poor need support as they are far from homes and live in debilitating circumstances in slums. Which suffer from poor hygiene and lack of basic amenities like clean drinking water.

What do COVID 19 Emergency relief services pay for?

People need medicines and funds to pay hospital bills. The government is giving free treatment, but the caseload is so high that not everyone can get medical aid for free. Furthermore, not all villages have a hospital close by. Some villages have their nearest hospital about 70 to 80 kms away. There is a need to set up medical camps near such villages where there will be difficulty arranging transportation. Funds are remitted directly to the patients, or their next of kin responsible for their treatment. Many NGOs set up COVID 19 Emergency relief services online where donors can choose the recipient and fund their treatment. Donors can read a brief background of the patient and determine their background and severity of the viral infection before paying for their treatment.

The role of NGOs

NGOs step in and reach out where governments cannot. They are procuring oxygen tanks, making transportation arrangements to hospitals, procuring essential medication, and supplying them to the patients. And making arrangements for advanced blood tests, CT scans, among other things. Donor funding is completely allocated in ensuring that the patients receive complete care from testing to recovery. Many doctors are working tirelessly, independently, to ensure that they can reach the patients who cannot get immediate aid. They are setting up camps near the smaller towns that do not have proper hospital facilities or medical amenities. Patients visiting these medical camps and aids require financial support too. Donations for COVID 19 Emergency relief services can be made in cash and kind. You can provide oxygen tanks, gloves, masks and PPE kits and food packages.

The real heroes in the fight against COVID are medical professionals. Doctors who are working in the field are formulating policies and studying the disease to find a cure. Now is the time to realize their importance and donate to MBBS students. Promote medical education by funding the education of someone exceptionally talented by needs help to access medical education. Donate for MBBS students near me to people you feel will contribute to the profession and aid their patients.

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