Friday, September 6, 2024

Why Should I Study Public Administration?

History, science, literature, engineering … how many subjects there are in our universities. It is difficult to decide what I will read. In this section on dreaming, we introduce each of the topics. Today I will talk about public administration. These all information give a professor at the dept. of public administration of International University. The professor’s name is Dr. Smith Mike.

What is taught in Public Administration?

Dr. Smith Mike says that we attach with the administration everywhere from birth. We have to go to any office to get a paper or a certificate. That office has some rules that we have to read. One thing is clear here, the government has two functions — service and management. The government provides some services and some rules have to follow in providing these services. How the government can fulfill these two tasks keeping the service of the people at the forefront is the main issue of public administration. Again, the policies adopted by the government have two steps. Policy formulation and policy implementation.

It commonly says that the main function of public administration is secondary. Parliament or the legislature is responsible for formulating policies. But indirectly an administrator can also play a role here. For these reasons, the administration cannot be completely separate from politics. So the basic theories of public administration have come from political science, but also from management. And the concept of ‘managerial’ is actually the next step in the concept of public administration.

Scope of It

Mike also said about the scope. We teach some theoretical subjects at the beginning of university life to explain these to a student. In addition to the purely theoretical aspects of administration, the core subjects of sociology, such as economics, sociology, political science, etc., teach. We also give a basic idea about accounting and information technology. Later we started to talk about the practical aspects, such as the history of administration and politics in Bangladesh, our local government, etc. After all this, the students got into a little comparative discussion.

In addition to comparing our public administration with other countries, we have to read some issues related to business, such as human resource management, bank management, etc. The fourth-year study is research. Recent developments in the administration are also reported.

What is the Future?

When we were students, there was very little reading about business administration in the curriculum. But now in our curriculum, the matter is completely different. The reason for this difference is that this is the demand of the time. It can seem that they are highly capitalist states, but they have made public administration schools economically based.

Again, relatively less capitalist states have put history, socio-economic contexts at the forefront of their curriculum. Thus we too have changed over time as needed and will continue to do so. However, no matter what changes in the curriculum, the main point is that it will be okay to follow the rules with the aim of serving the people. For this reason, the future of public administration as a subject is also bright.

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