“Your Failure can’t Describe Your Future” – A big Message from India’s Youngest Digital Entrepreneur Divyam Agarwal.
Life Goes on with Unlimited Failures, but it’s on you how you deal with it. Success is in Everyone’s hand, You just have to Grab it at Perfect time. These are the Motivational Lines Said by Divyam Agarwal.
Divyam Agarwal also known as SWAGGER DEEVS has Achieved his Succes at the Perfect time & Became India’s Youngest Digital Entrepreneur. He is Just 19 Yrs Old & Running India’s Leading Digital Marketing Agency “SWAGGER DEEVS” because of which he is also known as SWAGGER DEEVS.
Talking more about SWAGGER DEEVS:
SWAGGER DEEVS is a Digital Marketing Agency which Deals in all Social Media Services. Starting From Website Development/Designing, Application Development/Designing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Account Management, Brand Collaborations, Youtube Growth, ending with Knowledge Panels & Social Verification
Story of Divyam Agarwal:
Divyam Agarwal also had a Bad Past. He Got Failed in Class 11 just because of not Studying from the Teacher’s Private Coaching. At the time when he was just 17 got a Tag of Failure. But there are always 2 choices for everyone. He could get Depressed but he chooses to become Successful in Life. He Worked Hard & Gained 89% in Class 12.
That Failure Gave him an Idea to work online. He Started Learning online & Became a Certified Web Developer, App Developer, Ethical Hacker, Search Engine Optimization Expert, Social Media Marketing Expert & Created his own Digital Marketing Company.
He has completed more than 200+ Diploma’s Online from Certified Google Developer to Foreign Based Multinational Institutes.
“Knowledge is Wealth” – Divyam uses this Tag line & Says If You Have Knowledge you can Earn From Anywhere. You Just Have to be Perfect for whatever you do.
Divyam has worked with more than 50 thousand Clients Online. Taking from Macro Influencers on Instagram, Celebrities to Big YouTuber’s All over the World. He has also worked with Many Music Producers/Composers & Now he is also known for Music Distributor/Partner.
He has always worked for Client Satisfaction & Beliefs money is Nothing if you have Satisfied Clients.
“Life is All About Brain Capacity” – Tag line which Divyam uses Everywhere gives a Perfect Meaning in Life. If you can control your Brain Senses & can get Focused on whatever you want, You can achieve whatever you want. It’s All about dealing with your Brain.
Interface Through Instagram: @i.am.deevs, Twitter: @producer_divyam