Sunday, May 19, 2024

Angular- the Future of Enterprise-scale web applications

Angular is a software development tool that is used to build intricate websites. It is an open-source, full-featured dynamic framework developed by Google and is used by many companies to create large-scale applications that are powerful and stable. 

A lot of fortune 500 companies are benefitting from this framework and even Google uses it for many of its internal processes. Despite being technical, it offers accommodations for users to create interactive websites which makes it popular among companies. 

Well, there are a lot of reasons for the popularity of the Angular framework apart from being an open-source platform and support by Google. Some of the reasons why it is being used by major companies are 

  • Model View controller that has made structuring of source code super easy 
  • Two-way data binding that paves the path for keeping the view and model in agreement.
  • Software developers can explore working in parallel using HTML for the template to create a better user interface. 
  • It makes observable functions less necessary 
  • Angular is based on POJO (Plain Old Java Object) which makes altering or modifying functions and properties easy. 
  • There is no need to rely on external frameworks for creating apps for browsers with Angular
  • It provides adequate support for testing units and context-based communication 

Why is Angular the future of enterprise-scale web application development

Following are some of the features that indicate why Angular is the future of web and application development

  1. Maintainable code with Typescript

Angular uses the TypeScript language for writing codes which allows the users to add static types to the code, unlike JavaScript which supports dynamic type only. Static type enables faster bug identification and at the earlier stages of the development process. TypeScript helps the user to check instantly why the output is not what was expected, saving the users from all the effort of searching from the beginning of the code to locate the error. This saves a lot of time when writing codes for large applications. 

TypeScript also helps users to make their code future-ready. Users can add new features from the new ECMA Script with TypeScript’s efficient backward compatibility. With Auto-injection libraries, TypeScript leads to an easily predictable and maintainable codebase. 

One big advantage that comes with TypeScript language is tooling. TypeScript has become a major requirement for large-scale enterprise apps because of its advanced auto-completion, smooth navigation and easy refactoring. 

2. Cohesive component-based architecture 

Component-based architecture is one of the reasons that makes Angular the future of large enterprise-scale app development. Components are the foundation of the Angular web development framework. The user interface is developed like a tree of components in Angular. 

The components in Angular only consist of elements with related functionality which makes it cohesive and thus they provide a clean API to Angular apps. 

  • Reusability: The components are self-sufficient. The developers can reuse the already developed component with particular functionality, wherever similar functionality is required. This reusability is one of the most sought features when developing large apps for enterprises as it saves a lot of time. 
  • Maintainability: The Angular components are loosely coupled which makes the addition of new features or making changes easy. The components can be replaced with the desired implementations easily. 

3. Easy CLI (Command Line Interface)

Angular offers an efficient CLI which is simple and helps in simplifying the whole process by automating the vital process with quick commands like app initialization and configuration.

The users can add features within minutes to the application using the Angular CLI. It also allows the user to run end-to-end testing with simple commands and also facilitates seamless updates. It makes finding the folder to accommodate updates and the right module for component importing easy. 

4. Enhanced efficiency with dependency injection 

Dependency injection is a design format in which one object is dependent on another object and where dependency injection establishes the connection between all modules and elements.

It defines how a change in one element or module will impact the functionality of the other. It improves the code readability and makes it more maintainable. 

It leads to improved efficiency and modularity while speeding up the development process even of large-scale enterprise applications. 

5. Ivy Renderer for server-side rendering 

Ivy Renderer helps the user to easily convert the templates and components written in HTML and TypeScript into basic JavaScript so that the browsers can interpret them. It uses a tree-shaking technique to eliminate the chunks of unused codes that make the application lighter. This helps in the faster loading of the application. 

Due to Ivy rendering the applications run optimally even on memory-constrained platforms. It condenses the compilation procedure and breaking the large codes into small chunks. 

6. Angular Universal

Angular Universal is an Angular framework service that helps the app to render on the server instead of the client browser. This helps in getting more traffic on the web application and also offers a high search engine ranking. It also reduces page loading time and improves its performance on mobile. 

7. Angular Material and Angular Design 

Among developers and users who want a great user interface, Angular is the most demanded framework. Angular Material provides pre-built versatile UI components. These components help develop navigation elements, standard layouts, form controls and buttons with minimum effort. 

Angular design on the other hand provides a set of design guidelines to develop aesthetically pleasing designs. 

Because of the efficient architecture and slick tooling, the Angular framework has grown to become the most demanded framework for building apps for users and for internal processes. Google’s support further makes it a very powerful and reliable framework that can be trusted for stability and developing web applications. 

If you are looking for an AngularJS development company or are searching to hire ANgularJs developers, you are on the right path. There is no doubt that Angular will be ruling the future of enterprise-scale web applications.  

Jamie Joyner
Jamie Joyner
Jamie Joyner is a content cum digital marketer at Solution Analysts, a leading Flutter app development company. She is an avid reader and likes to remain updated for technological advancements in the domains of web, mobility, IoT, and emerging technologies. Her articles are informative and interesting at the same time as he expresses insightful thoughts clearly.

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