Friday, May 17, 2024

Foods that Can Help You To Put On Weight in a Healthy Way


There are many foods to put on weight to the body and they do not have food value but they add fat to the body. These foods contain fats inside them and cause many diseases inside the body like high cholesterol, blood pressure, and high sugar level inside the body. So we must keep these foods away from us.

Junk food and its impact on health

Junk foods are very harmful to our body as they cause obesity in our body and cause diseases in the body. These foods contain an excessive amount of fats, salt, and sugar. These are the foods to put on weight in the body. All of these causes many diseases inside the body like diabetes, sugar, and pressure and they contain fats inside them. Some of the most common diseases are obesity, kidney ailments and stones, insulin resistance, a fatty liver disease which can lead to cirrhosis, heart conditions due to high levels of cholesterol, high reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease(GRED), and many more.

How does it impact kids and teenagers?

The impact of junk food is quite common in children and teenagers as the food that are rich in fats, sugar, and salt contents in the food that cause different diseases in the body of the teens like obesity, heart diseases. The junk food can be taken twice or thrice a month but not frequently. The sugar content in the food causes the serotonin level to increase in the body and cause mood swings, anxiety, and mental breakdowns whenever there is a breakout of sugar level in the body. Gastroenterologists often report about the teen’s obesity, cholesterol increase, and atherosclerosis in the body due to the wrong choices of food. Children and teenagers also experience cognitive disability in their age due to the taking of these foods. This also causes fatigue and loss of concentration in teenagers.

How to avoid the junk foods

Junk foods can be eaten to a limited amount without eating excessively and they can be eaten according to the requirement of food nutrients in the body. Children may eat junk food up to 120-150 levels of empty calories. People age 19-30 may take up to 330 levels of empty calories. People age 31-50 can take calories up to 265 levels of empty calories. Women of age 19-30 can take up to 260 levels of calories and men and women of age 50 or above can take calories up to 120 empty calories.


There are many foods to put on weight in the body and these are called junk food. These foods are all rich in fats, salt, and sugar and they add high cholesterol to the body and cause many diseases in the body like high sugar, blood pressure in the body. So they must be avoided from the diet. These can be taken once or twice a month but should be avoided to eat with small gaps. These foods also cause obesity one of the main diseases in teenagers and children and also causes a nervous breakdown in the children and loss of concentration and anxiety in the teenagers.

Gastroenterologists have reported many such cases of obesity and atherosclerosis in teens and children. So doctors always advise avoiding these junk food but these can be taken to a limited amount by the people according to the nutrients requirements in their body. Like children may take up to 150 calories of empty calories and teens may take 330 calories and adults may take up to 265 empty calories.



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