Monday, May 20, 2024

Here’s How Education And E-Learning App Development Can Change The Education Industry For Ever

With an 8.49% market share, education apps rank third among the most popular app development categories in the App Store. Additionally, about 73% of education-related professionals utilise mobile devices to access digital content. And more than 20 million students use educational apps available from the Google Play Store.

These numbers and figures unequivocally demonstrate how students, teachers, and educational institutions are increasingly using educational applications. And this trend is not anticipated to slow down. 

Evidently, there is a lot of room for potential developing technologies like machine learning. Therefore, if you are confident enough to jump into the world of learning app development. You must have a hundred questions running through your head. Such as “how do I pick the best education app?” Put your concerns aside as we examine a few factors that will aid you in determining which business to work with in order to find your solutions.

Preference For And Development Of Higher Education Systems Using The Internet

It’s interesting that eLearning gives working professionals a lot of possibilities. They now have access to a variety of learning facilities. Private institutions that provide a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate eLearning courses are growing.

Simply said, a portfolio is a display of the successful items that developers or an app development company have produced. Therefore, a successful organisation will undoubtedly discuss with you a portfolio of its accomplishments. In fact, it’s possible that they’ll show you this right away. You must ask for it yourself if this is not the case. Make that the company has expertise creating educational apps, particularly ones that are comparable to yours.

The Contribution Of The Government To The Development Of The Indian eLearning Industry

The Indian government is eager to implement some digital changes that might significantly boost the development of the eLearning sector. One of the most important resources for delivering education is eLearning. In reality, the government has been providing financial support for R&D initiatives for various educational institutions in the field of eLearning. 

The government provides financial support to the programmes in the areas of content creation, faculty training, R&D/technology development projects, and human resource development.

Is India Keeping Up With International Trends in eLearning or Online Education?

There will be a significant increase in the number of online courses and online students as high internet penetration in rural areas continues to rise slowly but surely. The market for online education in India is expected to reach 18 billion US dollars in value by 2022. India’s online education market will grow by a factor of roughly X6. 

It is shockingly accurate that from 1.6 million users in 2016, the number of students participating in online education may reach 9.6 million users by 2022. The linked revenues might be worth $1.96 billion. According to estimates, the global eLearning industry would expand significantly and reach more than 243 billion US dollars by 2023. These predictions make it abundantly evident that eLearning is poised to become a worldwide trend. That sooner or later, an increasing number of individuals may choose it over traditional classrooms.

The growth of the eLearning market has led to an increase in the Indian education sector on the internet. The rise of online searches for educational reasons climbed by two times in the last two years. While the number of searches made on mobile devices increased by three times. As professionals in corporate companies want to upskill themselves and choose online certification. 

Covid impact

At least one good thing has come out of the COVID-19 pandemic. People now understand much better the value of public education. The difficulty faced by parents in caring for their children at home as a result of school closings has increased public awareness of the crucial caregiver function that schools play in society. 

Parents’ appreciation for teachers, their abilities, and their crucial role in students’ well-being has increased as youth struggle to study at home. Decision-makers are forced to come up with novel methods for providing basic services like food, education, and healthcare as communities struggle to care for their vulnerable children and youth.

We think it is equally important to consider what might be possible for education after the COVID-19 epidemic, in addition to these immediate issues. It is difficult to conceive that there will ever be another time in history. When the importance of education for a country’s economic, social, and political stability and prosperity is so clear and widely acknowledged. The moment has come to develop a strategy for capitalizing on the increased support for education in nearly every community on the planet and to envision how education may emerge from this global crisis stronger than ever before.

A necessity for education to change

It is obvious that this pandemic has completely disturbed a system of education that many claim was already out of date. How schools continue to emphasise traditional academic abilities and rote learning rather than qualities like critical thinking and adaptability, which will be more crucial for success in the future.

Could the shift to online education serve as the impetus for the development of a fresh, improved approach to student instruction? While some believe that this objective may have been hampered by the hurried pace of the online transition. Others intend to make e-learning part of their “new normal” after experiencing the advantages.

Through COVID-19, the significance of knowledge dissemination is emphasised

Major global events frequently mark an inflection point for rapid innovation. The rise of e-commerce following is a prime example. E-learning is one of the few industries where investment has not dried up. Though it is unclear whether this will continue to be the case after COVID-19.

This epidemic has demonstrated the value of knowledge sharing across industries, organisations, and all facets of society. It is our collective responsibility to fully utilise online learning technology if it can be helpful in this situation.


In conclusion, the rise of the online education sector and its quantitative result to increase employment prospects. Closing the demand-supply gap in the Indian industries, have made eLearning a potential game-changer in the years to come. If you are looking for a game changing app development for your E-learning app then you can contact the best App developers in Australia.

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