Sunday, May 19, 2024

Top 5 modern professions that are perfect for today’s youth

Most parents expect their sons or daughters to grow up to be a doctor, lawyer or an engineer. In today’s modern world kids are more advanced than we understand, their growing selves are keen towards too many different things.

Studying hotel or hospitality management you can get appointed in some of the most expensive hotels in india. Mass media is also a booming industry for creative people.

Any professions should bring out these three basic but outstanding things out of an individual: creativity, satisfaction, confidence. Youth wants more than just recognition and financial support from their professional job. Compromising in career choices may affect negatively.

Thus we have gathered some appealing career options that also include net:-

Digital Marketing_

Prior to the usage of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook & Instagram people conducted marketing of products or ideas in an offline manner. Now as everything including businesses is going digital so is marketing, advertising, sales, etc. Digital marketing constitutes search engine optimization ( SEO ), Social media marketing, and many more techniques. This profession just filled with endless opportunities for growth and exploration.


The reason why we have categorized youtube to be a profession is that it is starting to become one. Youtube is such a well-balanced creative medium that acts as an umbrella to various other interlinked. But becoming a YouTuber automatically demands you to be patient. Before being able to generate profit you have to build your audience, get a maximum of one thousand subscribers. People are never going to run out of the need entertained or informed. Hence the longevity of this viable modern profession stands out. People who aren’t creatively fulfilled can also get a space to showcase their exciting lives. By daily or weekly vlog channels, where they travel to coba mexico or Zurich Switzerland.

Graphic Designing

For those who already have a knack for fiddling with creative software, this study is suitable for them. Beginners with a little knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop can easily cope with graphic designing. This is one of those jobs that are for spontaneous people who never expect to get bore with work. As big corporations will try to box you in to what’s bringing them profit, then you can choose to freelance. You can also master the subfields like logo design or emblem making, typography, banner design, color correction of images and so much more. Landing as a graphic designer in companies like netf’ ( Netflix ) or Amazon Prime.

Robotics & Automation

In Japan and a few other countries, if you visit their 7eleven which is a supermarket your bills will hand out by a friendly robot. This falls under the job of robotics and automation engineer/developer. Automation in simple words means, the use of machines and robots to perform a task that is usually done by us – Humans. There is a high and rising demand for robotic engineers in the gaming industry and in manufacturing products as well. If you’re not interested in working practically then you can apply for research in ISRO or NASA.


This modern profession deals with the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. E-commerce giants like Amazon have shifted the idea of buying books from a physical shop. The businesses under e-commerce follow two transactional methods to generate revenue:  business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C), customer-to-customer (C2C), etc. The e-commerce industry majorly focuses on Brand and Customer experience, which will hone your public management skills. SEO, data analysts, data collection, project management all fall under this. E-commerce is an excellent career choice for business minds.

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